2022/02 跟大家分享我們匈牙利靈糧堂也已經啟動人道救援 I wanted to update everyone here on the refugee crisis at the Hungarian border right now for Ukraine. 和大家報告烏克蘭戰事引發在匈牙利邊界的難民危機。 1. Our BOL foundation in Hungary has been working to help transport, connect, house, and find shelter for the thousands of refugees that have been crossing the border. Our church can house 20-30 ppl and we currently are housing the church from Ukraine and their leadership and family. 我們教會在當地的基金會已開始參與邊界救援,人員安置的工作。包括接運、聯繫、安置..為上千名難民尋找可能的庇護。我們在蒂薩鐵堡的會堂可以安置20-30人,已經開始接待來自烏克蘭的牧者家庭及弟兄姊妹。 2. The team is also contacting local towns and cities to see if they can set up shelters in stadiums, schools, auditoriums, and homes. They’re in need of blankets and cots and food and lots of man power to clean, cook, and do logistics. Vili牧師的團隊也積極聯繫當地村落、市鎮中可以建立收容中心的單位、學校、體育管、家庭。並募集大量民生用品,毛毯、煤炭、食物並很多的人力協助清潔、膳食..並大小事務。 3. Vilis main focus is helping the Roma gypsy refugees because they are the most marginalized and outcast. They al...